I have recently had an opportunity to try out a new product from Sleeklens: THROUGH THE WOODS WORKFLOW

A stumbling block for me is that I have been processing most of my images the same way.  I really liked that “Through the Woods Workflow” gave me some new tools to experiment with. This, in turn, has allowed me to learn new and more ways to use the software (Lightroom).

I have also really enjoyed the brushes that come with “Through the Woods Workflow”.  I found that using them has given my photos and extra ‘punch’.  The presets are also great for quick and easy edits and experimenting with different looks.

The only downside that I’ve found is the parameters on some of the presets are pushed a little too much, to my taste at least. That said, everything is customizable and it’s really easy to take it down a notch!

Overall I have really enjoyed “Through the Woods Workflow”.  I find myself using their tools when processing my images for enhancement or when I’m wanting a different and more creative look.

Follow these links for some more information about what’s available from Sleeklens:

Here’s a few examples of the images I processed using this product:

Sleeklens 3Sleeklens 2Sleeklens 1


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