Sacrifice Comfort

Many times when I talk to people about my adventures and goals, I always hear: “That’s cool, but I don’t think I’d like to do that since I don’t like the cold” or any other excuse that holds them back from doing a certain activity. Many people seek comfort, but while comfort is good and healthy to a certain extent, it stops us from achieving what we want from life. What I’m recently realising is that comfort sometimes should be sacrificed in order to do things that I dream of. In doing so, I became more free and satisfied. My dream is to become a more serious adventurer, in doing so I have to sacrifice many comforts like sleep, being dirty, being sweaty, being cold/hot. But from what I have recently realised (mainly after breaking my ankle and having to endure many discomforts) is that it’s not that bad! In fact it is more satisfying having to sacrificed them because it feels like I’m getting one step closer to my dream! So my advice is to look closely at what you want to do in life, and realise what’s holding you back? If the excuse is being inside the comfort zone, perhaps it’s time to break that comfort!

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